Thursday, December 29, 2011

Random Association

Random word stimulation is a powerful technique that provides a practical method of accessing your subconscious mind and utilize the wealth of information it contains to generate fresh new original ideas.
Regular practice causes the brain to expand its neural network to accommodate this free-form style of thinking, which strengthens connection to the subconscious mind and endows the practitioner with greatly enhanced creativity and critical thinking skills.
The best part? The benefits of improving your thinking skills come from the practice of generating new ideas about things that matter to you. Using this simple technique, you can find new ways to solve personal or business problems, create new inventions, improve existing products and services, explore your own feelings and your relationships with others, and - in the larger sense - to discover new ways of thinking about absolutely anything that interests you. ( Read More )

And our assignment was to create something scary that will instill fear among people through out the ages based on the feature of the "Random Words", and the random words was "CAT"

*paws*fangs* fur*asthma*hunter*

And my main idea was to make something that can scare people away by giving them a temporary asthma or some difficulties in breathing. 

Friday, December 16, 2011

Juxtaposition (2)

For today class we continued with other examples about Juxtaposition and their effects on our own life, it was pretty interesting.


First thing we had to do in class today is to draw a merge between two creatures that are impossible to live together. It was really amazing and this is what i came with.


What else we had in class was to transform one word into a "Simple mind map" & "Love sentence to you lover". This one was pretty exciting and it thought us to think fast and to link our ideas so easily. 
This is what I've done for this one.

1) Love: Loving you is like chili. So hot yet i can never get enough of it

2) Life: Life is like a candle light, take care of it so it wont die

3) Pain: Pain is like eating an ice cream with sensitive teeth, first lick always gonna hurt after than you wont feel anything

4) Love: I love my women dark and sweet, like my coffee!

5) Life: Wish life is like a credit card, always you can deposit more in them

6) Life: If life gives you a cat, dress it like a bunny.

7) Happiness: Happiness is like time, keeps coming and passing by.

8) Happiness: Happiness is all around the place, you just have to follow it like a kitten.

9) Love: Love unite all of us no matter what

10) Women: Women are like mortar and pestle, in the end they will always destroy you 

11) Women: Women are dangerous like sharks, but they also can be perfect pets.

12) Women:  Women are like colorful sheeps, always cover up their flows with make-up

And one last thing the lecturer asked us to do is to create a new image, message or campaign about MMU.
What i've done is pretty simple, but i tried to attract people to our university by showing them what we miss around our campus (to be honest!). And what i wish to have one day :)

By Salem Abbas (1102703486)

Friday, December 9, 2011


Juxtaposition is the way of connecting two similar or opposite ideas together to make it easier for the two sides of the brain to observe the information. Juxtaposition needs both of the right side of the brain and the lift side of it to link between the two ideas. Its such a creative way to link ideas and many people use it to represent their ideas. 

An example Juxtaposition from what we've done in the class.


In everyone brains there is two sides of it, and they work together well. The right side of the brain will always focuses on the visual, and processes information in an intuitive and simultaneous way, looking first at the whole picture then the details. In the other hand the left side of the brain job is  is verbal, processing information in an analytical and sequential way, looking first at the pieces then putting them together to get the whole.

Right Brain InventoryLeft Brain Inventory
• Visual, focusing on images, patterns• Verbal, focusing on words, symbols, numbers
• Intuitive, led by feelings• Analytical, led by logic
• Process ideas simultaneously• Process ideas sequentially, step by step
• 'Mind photos' used to remember things, writing things down or illustrating them helps you remember• Words used to remember things, remember names rather than faces
• Make lateral connections from information• Make logical deductions from information
• See the whole first, then the details• Work up to the whole step by step, focusing on details, information organized
• Organization ends to be lacking• Highly organized
• Free association• Like making lists and planning
• Like to know why you're doing something or why rules exist (reasons)• Likely to follow rules without questioning them
• No sense of time• Good at keeping track of time
• May have trouble with spelling and finding words to express yourself• Spelling and mathematical formula easily memorized
• Enjoy touching and feeling actual objects (sensory input)• Enjoy observing
• Trouble prioritizing, so often late, impulsive• Plan ahead
• Unlikely to read instruction manual before trying• Likely read an instruction manual before trying
• Listen to how something is being said• Listen to what is being said
• Talk with your hands• Rarely use gestures when talking
• Likely to think you're naturally creative, but need to apply yourself to develop your potential• Likely to believe you're not creative, need to be willing to try and take risks to develop your potential


Interested to know which side of your brain you use the most? Check out this test Here


Chance doesn't mean meaningless randomness, but historical contingency. This happens rather than that, and that's the way that novelty, new things, come about. - John Polkinghorne
Novelty is defined as the quality of being new, fresh and exciting. or also can be defined as a new or unusual experience or occurrence by (Collins).
For me, i think novelty play a strong part in our life as might as well the way we think. People are only excited for whats next? they never look back. Everyone is looking for new ideas and novelty in their life.

What exists now is what will be in the future,
and what has been done is what will be done;
thus there is nothing really new on earth.
Is there anything about which someone can say, "Look at this! It is new!"?
It was already done long ago, before our time.
No one remembers the former events,
nor will anyone remember the future events that are yet to happen;
they will not be remembered by the future generations.
(Ecclesiastes, 1: 9-11)
Found a great article about Novelty and originality while i was searching in the internet (Click here) 

Examples about novelty i searched for in the internet.

Lady Gaga design a sunglasses with a camera on collaborating with  Polaroid company.

2) A ring camera!

3) A Mug that connects you to the internet and show people your mood for today!

Mortar and pestle

If you saw a mortar and pestle after 30 years from now for the first time in your life, What you'll think they were used for?
Well, this is me (Future-Version) thoughts about it.

Mind Mapping

Mind mapping is one of the easiest way to arrange or summarize your idea, no matter how huge and complicated  the idea is.  
And what we're always going to need for a mind mapping is three main things (For me actually) are Colors, Short words and make it horizontal.



a mind map about myself, had so much fun doing it.